Posts: 22
Registered: 04-07-2020 Location:
posted on 04-07-2020 at 14:16 |
Female Aggrevation and the Need For Sex
Pleasing your woman. A satisfied women.
So she has turned from a loving, tender angel from heaven to a claw-bearing banshee from hell.
What the heck happened, right?
Chances are, it's what hasn't been happening often enough. Getting laid.
The emotional creature that women are requires a heroin-like fix of good cock. It's not a romantic issue so much as it is one that's tied together with hormones, feelings of intimacy, and a need to feel wanted (some would say 'beautiful') by their man.
If you, men, find yourselves waking up or laying down to sleep with a seethingly quiet woman in bed beside you, turn off your rational brain and turn on your woman. She needs it. She can't help that she needs it. But you can help her to get it.
Advice from an experienced, battle-worn husband.
Ten minutes of good fucking will result in hours of good homelife. Amen
Posts: 26
Registered: 04-13-2020 Location:
posted on 04-20-2020 at 10:01 |
Reducing women to sex objects
Men still have not figured women out yet and the topic poster is a perfect example of this. 'Female aggression and the need for sex'!!! Really??? I feel aggrevated over that point of view, and its not because I need sex. Single women and married women everywhere are only turned on when the men they're with begin intimacy with attention, sweetness, making the women feel special. Its not the physical act, moron. The physical is an expression of the intimacy shared between a woman and a man.
No wonder you feel like a battle-worn husband. You keep hitting yourself over your head.
Posts: 22
Registered: 04-07-2020 Location:
posted on 04-28-2020 at 14:17 |
we are all sex objects
Women as sex objects...
Well, let me see. Women spend forever and a day getting made up with makeup, clothes, low cut blouses, perfume, swinging hips when they walk. If they walk a mile half of it is with the intention of looking sexy. Women invite being sex objects. Hell, they invented the concept.
Men dont do that shit. We let the sorry ass women do it for us, and stupid fuckers we are we let them hound us with STOP TREATING US LIKE SEX OBJECTS bullshit then they go to the bathroom for 2 hours to dress up to start the whole process again. what a crock of shit.
So when I read a reply from some stupid ass woman whos whole act is to spout trash talk about how she feels shes treated like a SEX OBJECT I just shit my pants with laughter.
Get real, sweetheart. come up with some other line or shut the fuck up.
Posts: 9
Registered: 06-12-2020 Location:
posted on 07-15-2020 at 01:49 |
Post Menapause women do need sex, americans and foreign women alike
Women go through hell with their hormones. After menapause it is just as bad for them. They need a stiff one and they need it immediately, or look out buddy, you're going to get the skillit upside your head.
I remember my dad going through menapause with my mother. She had it, he paid for it. Poor guy, I never saw him look so helpless.
My mother was in hell with the "change". She became sort of closed-off afterward, as I remember. It's just hell, that's all, and sometimes it doesn't "change" anything that might have already been broken before the start of it.
Glad I'm not a woman.
Posts: 6
Registered: 09-17-2020 Location: Los Angeles, CA
posted on 09-22-2020 at 12:11 |
Why arent women ever accused of being horndogs?
I've got a 40 year old girlfriend who becomes mean when she needs sex and doesn't get it. And once she gets it, she's like a women dying of thirst; she wants more and more.
I know I know, at 18 I would have thanked God for a problem like this. But my girlfriend, who is a Ukrainian woman with legs up to here (above my eyes), is bigger than I am and she can push me around like a scared little balloon. I'm not complaining...ok, maybe I am complaining, but I have a job and need my bleepin' sleep sometimes.
She's a horndog. There, I said it. She should have a mugshot in the post office. Horndog #1.
How many more years do I go through this before I dried up like dust and blow away?
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